Research Tagging Program
Recreational fishers contributing data to inform fisheries management..
20+ years of citizen science…
Since 2000, AFANT has worked with our team of around 100 volunteers and Fisheries NT to deliver a community-based fish tagging research program. The core program is focussed on Barramundi tagging, with limited projects to tag jewfish, golden snapper and Spanish mackerel also supported at various times. In addition to recruiting and coordinating volunteers, AFANT is responsible for facilitating community fish recapture reports through the 1800 number and the recapture portal on our website.
Recreational fishers who report a tagged fish recapture are sent a special “I caught a tagged fish” Reidy’s B52 lure/voucher and a certificate detailing the recorded history (growth, movement, days at large) of the fish.
The information collected through fish tagging contributes to the understanding of fish stocks, size, and age structures, as well as trends in catch, and release rates. The data from the Barramundi program is incorporated into periodic barramundi stock assessments.
A major reason for the tagging program is to replace commercial catch-return data following the introduction of netting closures and the establishment of Australia’s largest recreational-only barramundi fishing areas. AFANT thanks all our volunteers and project partners for their valuable contributions.

Caught a tagged fish?
You’ll be contributing valuable information which is used in the assessment and management of the NT’s most famous fishery. Plus, to say thanks, we’ll send you a voucher for a limited edition AFANT “I caught a tagged fish lure” thanks to Inpex and Reidy’s Lures. To collect your reward lure, simply select from the drop down list of Program Partners stores when logging your recapture details and present your voucher to your selected location.
Want to give back, improve knowledge and be part of good fishery management?
AFANT has recently engaged InfoFish Australia to deliver an new Mobile Application to record tagging data. The AFANT Research App will allow us to improve the efficiency of our tagging program, paving the way for us to expand it and recruit more volunteers. Once it it up and running we will be able to provide up to date data on tagging efforts and fish recaptures right here on our webpage. Are you interested in becoming a research tagging volunteer?
Register your interest today!

Learn how to tag a fish with AFANT…
Barramundi Classic: Tagging data 2012 to 2021
Barramundi Classic competitors have been contributing valuable information to the tagging program for many years. This information, in addition to the data collected by Fisheries NT staff and AFANT volunteer fish taggers, has made an important contribution to understanding barramundi fisheries in the NT. The information collected through fish tagging contributes to the understanding of barramundi stocks, size and age structure of barramundi populations, as well as trends in catch, and release rates.